What is required to make public toilets safe and comfortable for everyone? Our company has been researching, studying, and developing public toilets for more than half a century. Public toilets require a design that provides universal functionality. For example, wheelchair users need more room for maneuver, and studies have shown that large cubicles can be uncomfortable for visually impaired people. People using public restrooms are in a variety of situations: people who need assistance, people with infants, and people with an ostomy are just a few of these scenarios. What we also wanted to achieve was to dispel the image of public toilets as dirty, reeking, dark, and unsafe places. In addition to relying on regular maintenance and cleaning, the toilets are equipped with sterile and antibacterial features to keep them clean, and hand-touching is kept to a minimum. In addition, the Washlet control panel is powered by an eco-friendly remote control that generates electricity every time the switch is pressed, so there is no need to worry about running out of battery power. Thinking about various user scenarios and through numerous consultations with the designers, we incorporated new functionality into products that are designed for individual toilet spaces for THE TOKYO TOILET. We hope that the project will give visitors from abroad the opportunity to experience the sense of Japanese hospitality embedded in these toilets. At the same time, we hope that we will be able to introduce the clean and comfortable toilet culture of TOTO to the world.

Executive Vice President and Representative Director
Satoshi Shirakawa
We would like to thank Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. for toilet design and construction and TOTO Ltd. for providing toilet equipment and layout. This section is dedicated to the messages we have received from our collaborators and supporters.